Wednesday, April 27, 2011

yet likewise apt the pursuance of person chief owneapt to aggrandize revenue.

Knowledge economy, the strategic management of the center of modern business management. The strategic management of financial management is the gist tactics, strategic management in the enterprise activities a crucial character. This requires that the financial management of strategic management calculating to support the and subject to the requirements of strategic management.
a strategic objective-based financial management
traditional financial management to maximize shareholder asset as its own goal, only one of its shortcomings into list the consumption of hardware resources soft resources; the second is the delivery of resources is only the pursuit of restricted self-interest, only think the interests of shareholders while ignoring the other stakeholders absence and ambition social responsibility; Third, in the traditional financial management objectives beneath the guidance of only focus on the appraisal of financial indicators, meantime ignoring the evaluation of non-financial arrows. In a market economy context, the company's financial instruction of the main diversification, financial subjects, including not only shareholders, managers and workers, administrations, purchasers, including public , environmental groups, buyer protection unions and their communities, these stakeholders and the financial requirements of the strategic type are the main elements of financial management. Currently, the U.S. has 29 states have rectified the commerce not only for the company's shareholder services, but must be relevant to the interests of the company's main services. IBM, the U.S. refining its objectives as Strategic type marks the formation of financial management objectives.
1,the ships and sailor pollution, to aggrandize the interests of relevant stakeholders. that is no only financial chief owners quest to maximize capital appreciation, the solvency of the debtor to maximize the greatest contribution to the Government's socio-economic , social duty and the public's social and economic representation to maximize the financial management objectives, but too to the pursuance of person capital landlords to maximize revenue.
2, social responsibility. in the knowledge economy, knowledge resources and material resources between the One apparent difference is the nature of knowledge resources have enjoy, value and portability, making business and society are linked extra widespread and in-depth, business requirements and application of knowledge, but also depends on the formation and development of knowledge society made contribution, which will necessitate companies pay more attention to their social responsibilities, such as safeguard the public amuse, preserve the ecological poise, prevent pollution pollution, support the development of cultural, educational and community-sponsored social welfare and charity, etc., which not only aid to achieve its business objectives, but also in the community and establish a nice image.
Second,beijing escort, the concept of strategy-based financial management
1, one of the concepts of financial management. In Taylor, characterized along traditional management system, due to a massive machine Production is centered mechanism, workmen in the machine system is only fitting, accordingly, were alienated property, the management of the centre is the thing. With the development of human society, especially in today's knowledge economy, requires management to the center of the transferred to the end of the centenary asset were .20, the United Nations development concept that the final goal of human development, people are the driving compel and the final experience, and thereby to the economic and human development, social development refers to the center. attention to human development and management is the elementary trend of the development of modern management, but also the objective requirements of the knowledge economy. technological innovation itself is a human activity, every of the business activities of enterprises and either are along the operation and management of people, the results also depends on the person knowledge, sagacity and effort, therefore, strategy-based financial management ought appliance the to entirely mobilize the people's enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, to enhance the overall quality of financial staff, this is the ultimate goal of financial management to achieve strategic-type fundamental guarantee.
2, competition and cooperation in the consensus of financial management concepts. In the knowledge economy , information dissemination, treatment and speed of feedback and the development of science and technology by an increasing rate, is jump to exacerbate the intensity of competition in the market, who in the information and knowledge one tread forward, 1 might gain a competitive vantage. information network, integration of science and technology and global economic integration, but also an inevitable prerequisite of the communication and cooperation in enterprises, sharing of resources. Therefore, the strategy-based financial management requirements of financial staff in making financial decisions and annual management, must be capable to Seize the Opportunity flexibility to deal with and coordinating with additional partnerships among enterprises, and promote the unity of competition and cooperation, the economic interests of the parties to achieve harmony and unity.
3, hazard of financial management concepts. In the learning economic, deserving apt a diversity of factors, corporations will face greater risks:
(1) information dissemination,toronto escort, processing and greatly accelerate the speed feedback. If the business interior and outer disclosure of information is not ample, not timely, or enterprise management authorities from a variety of internal and external information is not timely and efficient form to the selection and use, will further increase the risk of corporate decision-making.
(2) accelerated renewal of knowledge. Some specialists estimate that humans may use 90% of the knowledge has not yet created, and today's academy students to graduate with the knowledge learned there are 60% -70% is out of date. can be watched, companies have more need of ingenious genius, if it were not for as a business and social workers changes in the architecture of knowledge class and adapt its corresponding knowledge building, and will be in a passive position, it can not rapidly adjust to developments and changes in the environment, which will further increase the business risk.
(3) product life cycles continue to abbreviated. At present, the common product life wheel has been shortened to 5 annuals hardly ever, and like electronics, calculators and other high-tech industry, the product update cycle is shorter. This not only additional catalogue risk, but also increase the product chart, development risks.
(4) nature of change, such for the fashion of the elusive from the tangible manner, the amount of the evolution from straight to indirect values, which are promising to beyond aggravate the money risk.
(5) to accelerate investment in intangible assets, changes to increase, and to the enterprise excellent uncertainty, so that further increase the investment risk. Therefore, in mandate to empower enterprises to continue to create in the pursuit of development and to effectively prevent, resist a heap of risks and the success of the crisis, corporate financial managers must establish a correct concept of risk.
4, information ashore financial management concepts. knowledge economy namely the fastest growing information manufacture, information technology has become the basic method of economic development and tools, in today's gross servant production (GDP) yet 2 / 3 of the output and information industry-related. the mart to always economic activities must be fast, precise and full information-oriented, information has convert an major medium market economic activities. and with the evolution of science and technology, a governor in digital technology, dissemination of information processing and feedback expedited, so namely transactions tin be completed in an instant decision-making, economic movement namely relatively smaller space for the emergence of the so-called media space and online entities. Therefore, the enterprise financial management information to firmly establish the concept of financial management, financial management is a strategic necessity-based requirements.
5, educated financial management concepts. knowledge is the knowledge economy the maximum important factors of creation, the chief source of economic growth, fulfill strategic knowledge-based content is a key factor in financial management. Thus, corporate financial managers must firmly establish the concept of knowledge-based financial management.
6, contingent financial management concepts. in a market economy, the changing business environment, financial management of the environment also changes, strategy-based financial management requirements of corporate financial commanders must have the concept of chance , alter according to the specific environment and take appropriate financial management approach, the enterprise will increase the competitiveness of the continuous development in the competition.

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