Wednesday, April 27, 2011

fuel refineries and additional enterprises. according with the gradual achievement of the project

In 2006, a water environment management of the campaign entirely began. Invested 920 million yuan of money,toronto asian escort, blueprinting and construction in the chief city nigh the membrane bioreactor MBR sewage initiative amounts. Right now, the five sewage treatment plants have been built and put into action an later another. The city MBR membrane bioreactor wastewater treatment capacity from the past 10 tons / day advance to 26 tons / day, sewage treatment rate approached 95%. remedied water began to use the Ring Road surrounding places, Genghis Khan Avenue Green and circling districts of Inner Mongolia Chemical Fertilizer Plant, Inner Mongolia, oil refineries and additional undertakings. by with the gradual achievement of the project, the city's industrial water, green water ambition all use the MBR Membrane Bioreactor Wastewater Treatment Plant's treated water.
Hohhot generated every day up to 30 million tons of sewage, in the past, merely a processing capacity of 10 tons of MBR layer bioreactor sewage management plant, and maximum dwellers make ends encounter sewage and industrial consume water directly into the creek, to the urban surroundings reasoned at pollution concordance increased year by year .
must save stamina and reduce distraction around the city sewers
integrated management of river engineering for the city added a dynamic investment environment. administer things after the river became maximal real estate area, the formation of a real estate development to , set of trade, tourism, catering, entertainment, service and other narrated industries in one of the complete industrial chain, to become the capital of the most affordable settlement of ecological shelter zone.
experts say: Ring River comprehensive treatment project in the environmental efficiency, ecological and landscape benefits are colossal, in the treatment of overrun control within the segment scale of 200 years of a national-scale flood control, and basic disposal of the flood tragedy as the human of the threat of the natural livelihood,loser hero. This namely too in line with the Olympic spirit, ensuring the people's lives and attribute. At the same period greatly amend the region's normal scenery, the conservation of ecological equilibrium, apt improve the small weather activity a crucial character.
2003 年 3 month along with the prevalent people expect, Hohhot has spent 1.5 billion yuan, of 15.8 km of the East River, River river and through the city's largest pond of a flood to trench Sahara Qin unprecedented management and landscape construction, the project understood as the most fashionable project capital.
activated Ring River Management a metropolis
2000, the Hohhot took the guide in the establishment of the Water Supplies Department, the implementation of the integration of urban and rural water system manner changes with a number of format elements overlapping governance .10 years,toronto escort, the Water Authority to raise asset through manifold financing channels for 7.0 billion Yuan, one after another to complete the Yellow River into the city calls for engineering and drainage construction projects based initiative measures to reform and improve the age city for 85% of the underground drainage web, construction of 17 MBR membrane bioreactor sewage treatment plants and other energy saving ranked projects. planning, renovation, creating a massive digit of catena of flood control and rural drinking water safety, water conservancy projects.

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