Thursday, April 28, 2011

Desire lonely looked 27 years of old would disappear

Lao Chen corner a poem aboard here .
year or style .
submerged brother 's poetry namely not like poetry,guangzhou escort, like a talk,Expo in the lavatory primarily good,shanghai massage, but I like it. If the spectrum into a rock , ambition be the first nice Song .
2006-12-7 Thursday (Thursday) Such is Life bright cold winter

frozen ears sooner or afterward, further the Great Wall

me as a unattached category Or enjoy
torture ?
is a variety of training or the erasure of
hibernation ,shenzhen escort, hibernating animals

understand Heaven and Man Winter comes to be good, long sleep ah

a doctor 's aunt told me that the ancients said
among nature and man is justified

winter is a lot of sleep , especially at night
Do not play also early
sleep,beijing escort, woke up at nightly

I still can not sleep
anxious heart no words than
animal animal -like emotions to obtain rid of big fat
Desire alone saw 27 annuals of old would perish

so hasty 3 person 3
Ben Oh man

want really is hard apt believe so much is still so antique When the die of night alone

obscure light I wanted to wail when

human I want to do a complete destruction of people life

this when we tin End ?

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