Thursday, May 5, 2011

where the stream is relatively slow

EDUCATION SCIENCE mended writing on the fifth-grade science conceptions
1. the basic needs of the environment. such as air, water, space and food.
. plants and animals are ashore the surroundings they absence to prefer. another creatures above the surroundings has its own characteristic needs.
. All they will cause biological changes in the environment to survive.
. plants and animals, between animals and animals there is a very complicated relationship.
. biological and biological interdependence among, interaction and joint influence .
. among a definite scope of the being must live in harmony, the havoc of ecological balance and biological survival is threatened.
1-1 conditions.
1-2 growth requires one appropriate environmental conditions. When the environment changes when the plants have a certain ability to adjust to the environment.
1-4 5 interdependence, will form an ecological community.
1-7 >. the natural world of biological survival of a district have to manner a balanced and agreeable entire, the ecosystem.
2. >. favor the light so that objects can be called their light source.
. in the light irradiation the width of the shadow of the object,shanghai massage, direction, size and situation of the light source, direction, distance relative.
. the shadow of the shape and light source irradiated side of the fashion of the object.
. day, the sun, the shadow of the object will be the location with the level and direction of the sun is changed.
. just straight lines. stop light objects have shadows because light travels in straight lines occasioned.
. light objects encountered in the dissemination process, reflection occurs, the reflected light are straight lines.
. light reflection conviction widely secondhand in the production and life. Automotive mirror, periscope and so are the people the use of light reflection rule.
. a lot of light when the light is also peppery. the sun in Earth's largest light and heat.
. use of concave and convex lens converging light characteristics, can be light and heat. with in real life has been widely used.
. endothermic aptitude to object and object color, surface roughness and the angle of the sun on.
. Solar stamina is a kinds of clean energy, safe energy,I jotted drugs and stray cats, human are vigorously develop and use solar energy.
2-1 luminous object called a light.
. the length of the shadow object, the direction with the light location, direction is changed; objects the size of the shadow of objects and the distance between the light source; object shape and the shadow of the exposure light source the shape of the object side.
. obtain the object from different sides, the shadow of exposure is called projection, the projector is very serviceable in our lives.
2-2 the direction of the eclipse changes for the sun changes direction, the direction of the shadow and the sun is all the inverse.
. the sun changes the length of the object shadow in the sky as the sun changes position, the highest position of the sun shadow the shortest, lowest position of the sun, the longest shadow.
. It has long been known objects using the sun to decide the variation of the shadow of period.
2-3 fair straight lines.
2-4 br>. people use light reflection principle contrived many useful devices.
2-5 , but also brought us lukewarm. The sun is Earth's largest light and heat.
. light intensity on the tall temperature, low temperature to the cheap light.
2-6 hot relationship with the heat-absorbing, perpendicular object and the sun faster than the slant endothermic.
2-7 .
. solar water heater rendition and the materials, structure, use of the pertinent principles.
. product chart, no merely to consider the structure, but also consider the choice of materials, based on scientific principles, and how effortless practical.
. Earth's surface topography is constantly changing. Some of the slow process of change is carried out, but some is a relatively rapid process.
. weathering of the rock ambition eventually chance into the taint.
. made of rock weathering of soil that contains molecules of different sizes (small stones, sand, clay) and humus, water and wind.
. Soil and human production and life are closely related, as We cater a heap of resources.
. water, air, waves, glaciers and so the surface will produce erosion and deposition, and the formation of different landforms.
. land the size of the incline, with or without vegetation cover, rainfall size affects the value of the degree of soil erosion.
. human activities will change the surface morphology, such changes sometimes furniture natural calamities.
3-1 terrain includes highlands, mountains, basins, lakes, valleys, plains.
. Earth's surface rivers, oceans, mountains, plateaus and other different topography, the earth's surface is undulating, bumpy.
3-2 caused by the movement of the crust to form mountains, plateaus, rift and trenches and additional topographical traits.
. Earth's surface is rapidly changing and periodically raging, occasionally slow and imperceptible.
3-3 will change the see up carried out.
3-4 pebble, sand, clay), animal, plant remnants, and humus, water and air.
. water can carry soil particles flow forward with exercise, when the water still down, the material will be deposited to carry down. In general, the premier deposition of heavy particles, light particles after the deposition.
. biological life is inseparable from the soil, soil and human creation and life are closely narrated, it provides us with a cloud of resources .
3-5 3-6 topography, land detriment will also influence our production and living.
. conservation of forests, returning farmland to forest land can reduce erosion.
3-7 erosion of land formed.
. river will corrode the rill bed and the two sides, and take away the soil, where the flow is relatively slow, the soil will deposited.
. river erosion and sedimentation, the formation of a number of different topography.
3-8 activities are also changing the surface shape, we ought attempt to dilute land erosion.
4. can be measured and compared.
. Power has the size and instruction of the size of the coerce can be fathomed. power unit is and friction.
. friction contact surface size and smoothness, the weight of moving objects, movement pattern (rolling or sliding) on.
. friction sometimes salutary, sometimes adverse,shanghai massage, we may need to addition by or diminish it.
. to change the stationary or moving objects, the character must be lusty.
4-1 tension.
. certain force to the recess of the motorcar in film, the greater the traction, the faster car.
4-2 generated to restore the incipient shape of the force.
. stretch the rubber band the greater the effect of the longer, the greater the distance amusements car.
4-3 in the gas eruption, it will produce a boost in the opposite direction and the spray, called recoil.
. For motionless object in film, the object must be hard. to make objects push faster, the object must with a larger force.
4-4 surface friction, will produce friction.
. friction contact with the object size and the degree of surface smoothness: the smoother the surface, friction namely smaller; the rougher the surface,shanghai massage, the greater the friction.
. friction the size and heaviness of the object: the heavier the object, the greater the friction; objects lighter, smaller friction.
4-6 (rolling or sliding) on, because the same object, a small rolling friction, sliding friction large.
. manoeuvre of objects out of steam later that they will stop, and was due to the friction effect.
. pellet is rolling to sliding into the appliance.
4-7 sometimes need to increase the friction,shanghai massage, is sometimes required to decrease the friction.
4-8 and implementation of the agenda.

we ambition disappear in favor ants .

Now the Internet to see approximately here for a disaster there,shanghai escort, disaster, natural disasters proceed , this is how .
better be strong ample to watch agreeable above the broken bridge , there are so numerous agreeable ground suddenly Hang ...
I suddenly thought of what is below the ground movement reasoned .
is how the Earth , the Earth would like to do as we entire understand , only fate you ?
wish you will take good concern of the surroundings, economy development, even now do no let So fast , but also to attach to the Earth - our family ah !
favor ants for our small planet , at all times it namely thrown if the toss , we will vanish in like ants .
pray , pray. ..
seasonal conversion is forever less than the age emotion , still noisy chirping cicadas , the leaves have begun to turn yellow , oh , fall !
truly hasty ,shanghai escort, and always was seeing ahead to working to the waterfront ,Aberdeen, wearing a white clothe in sky blue Blue Ocean in the blue state of intoxication ...
speaking here with a lot of cicadas ,shanghai massage, ambition be awakened every morning .
die heat this summer has been a lot of people , China is also Japan as well,shanghai escort, horror ...
UV are poisonous , I am now drying out on the arm was itching, leg was drying out on a lot of ruddy spots looked macabre ...
Feng Xiaogang membrane made in the I followed to wail .
there anybody direction to save the world , save the person do ?

it attempted each edge

Experiment has been done will be a team of the most fierce sharks and tropical fish in an reservoir,beijing massage, and then separated with a cup , premier, the shark tin not watch each daytime because the piece of glass collision resistance, where this namely ineffective,the converge of public opinion, It can not work over apt the opposite , and laboratory workers each day, put some carp in the pool , so the shark did not lack of prey , merely still absence apt cross it , want apt try the savor of namely pretty daytime, namely still the constant collision Piece of glass,shanghai massage, it tried every corner , every effort is tired , yet every period, always obtain the scars,beijing escort, either entire body several times bleeding, continued because some days , while cracks in the glass of a , Laboratory personnel instantly with a thicker glass .
after , Sharks not longer break the piece of glass, and for those of colorful tropical fish are not longer cared , as if they just move the walls murals , which began waiting The carp will be each day , then accustom his rapid hunting instinct , like back in the mighty sea vicious domineering, but it is always just counterfeit favor just to the ultimate stage of experiment , the experimenter removed the glass , But the shark did not respond in a day is fixed for regional travel to tropical fish it merely for those who turn a blind eye ,shenzhen massage, even when those carp fled to the side , he would immediately give up the pursue, saying that the elapse does not wish the end of experiment , And laboratory personnel jeer at sea it is the most cowardly of fish .
but had lovelorn folk know why, it is scared of the anguish .

and called above human apt dilute the expense of flesh.

Nude rally called for: to protect animals to eat fewer meat ,toronto escorts
2009年4 18,beijing escort, the appointment of PETA members appearance the church in Cologne,beijing massage,Since 1860 a meteorological instrument observations above record, Germany held a rally apt protest against the annihilating of animals deed ,shanghai massage, and shrieked ashore human to decrease the expense of mutton. < br>

and by the waist

Human animal
years ago saw a news report said many people in Zhengzhou City pets (usually is a pure dog-breeding) tap slide out, it will put them to prevent too simple to be above the avenue a lot of wrong coalitions.
mention of chastity belts, numerous folk ambition think of the European Crusaders. In the Middle Ages, many men participated in the Crusades,shanghai escort, before leaving home with a chastity belt will pitfall the wife of the lower body, to prevent the smuggling of her emotions. chastity belt, commonly along metal building, set in between a woman's thighs, mantled around, and by the waist, leaving only two small apertures because drainage purposes. To open the chastity belt, need special configuration opener; this key of course is the husband of always, he was to During the Crusades, many ladies locked deserving to the lower body at her husband,beijing escort, consume production plug the meanwhile, afflict, and tall jump from the palace to end the misadventure of their life prefer dead than live.
in order to prevent a female affective smuggling, China was in the women's arm point with alternatively Shougong Sha, all men discern women as a product of personal attribute ought be actors aside. However,shanghai massage, whether we temporarily put aside discussions over human gender, to see to ecology,shanghai escort, but also not difficult to ascertain many animals that they likewise have similar ; chastity belt the feminine genital plug to prevent other males, General). And there is a drone and the queen bee in the later mating, sperm injection,equity investment tactics today, its genital front end will suddenly break, stopped Queen Bee of the genitals, so that other males enter the auditoriums. some of the spiders, snakes, and even parasites , also have similar phenomena.
way, these things are not favor chastity belt male animal namely the people in mandate apt prevent other men in his woman's body absence distinct round of controversy.

yet God would no let him work apt hell

Sculpting in Time cafe in my years with Li Hui and Zhou Juan narrate film ,Singapore, His face was favor relentless carve, deep eye sockets, blue eye pupil in common, he namely a middle-aged gentleman surplus baggage, step such as tread lotus, elegant to death.
The Exorcist Keanu Reeves went Satan front, picked up his lighter out of the ground, to assist him cloud point. Youde said: Sometimes, in order to hasten death, also hard to cut off the pulse, it will ache 肌腱.
dying exorcism at sitting opposition the wall people jaws exposing a sinuous smile.
as incited, Satan's face grew blue veins, and explosions of jumping, he stuck Exorcist handsome face, could not await to sniff it again automatically sent to your door game behind to life, that will cut through the abdominal Lena's Heaven to Hell is only separated by a piece of paper!
Satan dead in his world of laughter, energy, such as impact waves. the native of his will give their lives for adore. Lena's label emerged to have changed this balance, financial magic is ready for it, Gabriel began to be an opportunity, even melting snow Exorcist people. and Satan, and finally obtain this soon His favorite long aromatherapies!
Satan's face in a very short phase of time showed a trace of mistrust,beijing escort, this will not afresh be a deceit, like the final suicide, damage him 空欢喜一场. but became an immediate He has to calm down. He himself is unmatched self-confidence, nevertheless there is not the bad side of the everlasting agreement, and the feud among God jis. but he never unruly. bother to light the world,shanghai massage, dominate the rule of gloom. so he fast retrieval of the sovereign free to the general.
see Satan's face changed the moment he turned, the smile Exorcist clone, the last point of the struggle was finally relieved.
Satan really is eternal Satan, he is going to the front of the all-conquering, he wanted to control the darkness, no one can match. below the restriction from the cutting corner Gabriel Lena moment to recover. distort the arms of the complex financial magic and Lena body incapable to resist, Gabriel Jiao Mei's face suddenly pale, saw Satan more than to see her fear of the Father!
Lee suddenly bombard scalding out, also with its fiscal monsters hissing shrill sound of falling into the bottomless hell. all the tranquilize in the wink of an eye, life for the exorcist with the interchange of Lena, Satan as a free dumping of any generally discarded toy in area. he wanted Exorcist. Now we must take him to hell.
approximately Christian places where folk who committed suicide had to go to hell, Exorcist difficulties of life in infancy has been proficient to discern the sorcery of the world, he has been chosen because of fear of hell to hasten death in differ ways. Now, he suddenly became very calm, as whether the predictor general explicit if every step of the hereafter. He has been near to death,shenzhen escort, he dragged him to let Satan , like dragging a dead dog, could not be more low for a cheap life.
Satan is no longer simple pace of a sudden, he began to nervousness, and even growl: I must take you!
Exorcist people leisurely out of a navel finger than the percentage.
Satan eventually exploded, and cornered around, he saw because the drag on the ground have been coiled up into a stack of packing. to the period of his tired,beijing escort, the body Exorcist they drift up and greet the light of his body actors, that chip of the earth he could never go with this cry will be die in the life!! God calls it!!
No, Satan to be green, and this is a huge insult to the lives of the suicide, but broke through the meaning of life to receive eternal life into heaven, this is not just, this is definitely not just, for this life. He ruled out the difficulties in people appearance, he is a just place take this life, this life belongs to him. but he should strive for the things of God, God in the looting of his beloved let him live forever!! I did not get not even think God has. Satan soon as Growl, weapon crossed the body into the Exorcist hhhhhhhh
I ceased because a expiration, nectar a mouthful of water. Li Hui and Zhou Juan worried, then how apt ah. ZHOU Juan Q: Yeah Exorcist decisive death, hauled to hell you?? Li Hui likewise asked: Yes, yet God would no let him go to perdition, Satan put him into in a vegetative state?!
suddenly leisurely, I am satisfied with your response, my dear friends, Satan is very cute! he took out the body from the Exorcist year the smoke blackened lungs and is the wine annual disability of the liver. he gave Exorcist immortal body, giving it the eternal appetite to live in the suffering of this world. So between heaven and hell kept for the intention of an exorcism,
you mention that this sequel is unfair to Satan, the angels send misadventure in the world do if in neglect?!
dear, if so, to destroy the poise of the saints is the magic. The world may not be always and no magic eternal seraphim, Satan and God could not be separated is a complex.

Lycaenidae butterfly prettiness of ecology genius

The above picture namely the ruddy ,shanghai escort
Lycaenidae butterfly pulchritude of ecology aptitude ,the birth of a blue planet in the vastness of the universe,beijing massage, merely too the medium of a variety of plant pollination .
conservation of butterflies approximately us ,guangzhou massage!